Where can I download Theme "Ultimate" by Systemweb used on your website

Letzte Aktualisierung vor 2 Jahren
JMMAnfänger Anfänger
Veröffentlicht am vor 2 Jahren
Hello, Krelli, thank you very much for your reply.

I totally understand about your theme, no problem.

Regarding the code, I use Abyss Web Server instead of Apache, and Abyss does not suppress/hide that information, but Abyss returns too much information, more than what would fit in that space, so I am OK adding the Webserver manually.

My 9.10.20 (DE Mod) test website is HERE.

If/when in the future you do find time to work on fixing your ported version of the Gillette theme for v9, that would be fantastic, and greatly appreciated.

I do remember now, aside from the available themes, why I am not using phpFusion 9 at this time: during testing of v9 earlier this year, I discovered that the phpFusion 9 developers removed the capability to use PHP code in Custom Pages, which my phpFusion 7 websites rely heavily on, so which is a must for me. On my phpFusion 7 websites, instead of having some identical Custom Pages across a few websites, all my Custom Pages have only 1 line in them, a simple PHP Include, such as:

<?php include 'D:Web~common~pagesaboutme_global.php';?>

The above code box has removed the Windows slashes, but I'm sure you get the idea.

That way, I keep only 1 file up-to-date with edits, and then all sites display the updated pages :). But that is something that I can hopefully work on at a later time, if/when I can get this test site working possibly next year with the Gillette theme.

I wish to thank you again for the Versions-Info code, and your offer to possibly next year work on the port to v9 of the Gillette theme.

Tschüss and be safe,


Zusammengefürt am Sonntag, 15.10.2023, 16:47:22:
Hello, Krelli,

A few months ago, you mentioned, "If you still like Gillette Theme, i have a ported version of this theme for v9, but it needs some fixes. I want to share the theme after fixing it. But i have to find time for that."

Would you be able to let me know where I can find your ported Gillette Theme for v9? Even if there are still some fixes needed, if possible I would like to try it as-is.

Thank you in advance & have a great day.

KrelliKrelliSeiten Administrator Seiten Administrator
Veröffentlicht am vor 2 Jahren
Hello John,

thank you for your positive feedback about this theme.
I'm sorry, but there are no plans to release the theme for download. I want to use it with a few changes for my commercial shop site in future, it should be a unique design then. Thats why i putted in a copyright notice by Systemweb. Systemweb.de (it's me) is holder of a Commercial Core License for PHP Fusion. By this way i don't have to share the codes if unwanted by me.
If you still like Gillette Theme, i have a ported version of this theme for v9, but it needs some fixes. I want to share the theme after fixing it. But i have to find time for that.
The panel "Versions-Info" is simple php code. You can get it. I will post it next time. At this moment i'm using smartphone to answer you, it's easier for me to share code by working on my desktop pc.
The reason for error 404 site when you tried to view this topic was a bug in SEF System. Topic was a question with ending: ?
It should be changed to url encoded sign, otherwise the requested url is invalid when SEF is activated.

Zusammengefürt am 21. Dezember 2022, 21:33:
Here is the code for panel "Versions-Info".
Put this code in panel editor and mark "allow PHP execution" as active.
Apache Server Version and PHP Fusion Version are manually edited. Apache is hiding this information for security and mod version is a special defined thing
$row = dbquery("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version'");
$row = dbarraynum($row);
echo "
<li><b>Webserver:</b> Apache 2.4.54</li>
<li><b>PHP:</b> ".phpversion()."</li>
<li><b>MySQL-Server:</b> " . $row[1]."</li>
<li><b>PHP-Fusion:</b> 9.10.20 (DE Mod)</li>
JMMAnfänger Anfänger
Veröffentlicht am vor 2 Jahren
Hello, Krelli.

Apologies for if this shows up twice. I made a post 2 days ago, but after editing my post, it has ever since shown up as "Die gewünschte Seite wurde auf dem Server nicht gefunden!".

phpFusion 9 has been out for quite a few years, but in all those years I've never found a website that contains all themes available for v9, and those few that I've found have been horrible (for my needs), so until now I have stuck with phpFusion v7, with its Gillette theme Lächeln.

However, since I first came across your website last year, I love the theme that you are using on your website here, Theme "Ultimate" by Systemweb" Lächeln .

Is it possible for me to download that theme, and if so, where can I download it from?

Also, I like your VERSIONS-INFOS panel in the top-right area of your main page Lächeln . Would you be able to tell me where I can download that panel from?

Thank you in advance & have yourself a great day.

Regards & be safe,

Toronto, Canada
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